SAVARY, Claire
Ambulant Projections [risorsa elettronica] = Projections nomades / regia Claire Savary ; soggetto Claire Savary ; sceneggiatura Claire Savary ; fotografia Claire Savary ; montaggio Victor Claude ; suono Claire Savary
FR : Regarde à Vue, 2009
1 file mkv (1.64 gb) (52 min.) : color., son.
Sottotitoli in francese . - Mediometraggio. - Altri formati: mp4.
Claude, Victor.
1. Cinema.
2. Terzo settore.
3. Zone rurali.
4. Povertà.
Abstract: Un gruppo africano della CNA (Cinema Analogico Itinerante) organizza proiezioni nei villaggi della regione di Attacora, nel nord-ovest del Benin. Si sposta di villaggio in villaggio e, al tramonto, proietta film per le popolazioni locali, che vivono nella povertà morosità più estrema, senza elettricità e, peggio ancora, tagliate fuori da qualsiasi flusso di informazioni. Questo film racconta l'incontro piuttosto insolito tra la popolazione rurale e gli operatori dell'associazione, impegnati a sensibilizzare e divertire la popolazione attraverso la magica azione del cinema all'aperto.

An African group of the CNA (Itinerant Numerical Cinema) organizes screenings in the villages of the Attacora region in northwest Benin. It moves from village to village and, at sunset, its members project films for the local populations, who live in the most extreme moroseness, without electricity and, even worse, cut off from any flow of information. This film tells the story of the rather unusual encounter between the rural population and the association's staff, who are committed to raising awareness and entertaining the population through the magical action of open-air cinema. An African film-distribution association, the CNA (Cinéma Numérique Ambulant, Ambulant Numeric cinema), organizes projections in the Attacora's region, in the North-East of Benin. They drive from village to village and, at dusk, they project African movies for rural natives living without electricity and who are cut off from any entertainment and information point or occasion. This movie shows us the unawaited meeting between an isolated village population living on agriculture and people engaged in an action of information, sensitization, but also entertainment through cinema and open-air movie projections. An African group of the CNA (Cinema Analogue Itinerante) organises screenings in the villages of the Attacora region in north-west Benin. It goes from village to village and, at sunset, screens films for the local populations, who live in the most extreme poverty, without electricity and, worse still, cut off from any flow of information. This film recounts the rather unusual encounter between the rural population and the association's operators, who are committed to raising awareness and entertaining the population through the magical action of open-air cinema.
Lingua: Francese.
Genere: Documentario.