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Trovati 107 record con la chiave di ricerca NAAUAF012355

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  C Tipo Titolo Anno
copertina Film Il sospetto = Suspicion / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Samson Raphaelson, ; director of photography Harry Stradling ; music by Franz Waxman ; Joan Harrison, [soggetto] ; Alma Reville [soggetto]
USA [S.l.] : RKO, 1941
1 videocassetta VHS (91 min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 00180 DVD 205
copertina Film La spia ; Arthur ; Per un po' di compagnia = I spy = Arthur = Keep me company / directed by Norman Lloyddirected by Alfred Hitchcock ; written by John Collier ; based on the story by John Mortimer ; director of photography Peter Hennessey ; teleplay by James P. Cavanagh ; based on the story by Arthur Williams ; director of photography John L. Russell ; directed by Alan Crosland jr. ; teleplay by Henry Slesar ; director of photography Neal Beckner
US : Shamley Productions, 1961-1959-1961
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09403 DVD 2754
copertina Film La taverna della Giamaica = Jamaica Inn / regia di Alfred Hitchcock ; sceneggiatura Sidney Gilliat ; fotografia Harry Stradling ; musica Eric Fenby
Gran Bretagna : Mayflowers Productions : Associated British : Paramount, 1939
1 videocassetta VHS (96 min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 07080
copertina Film The thirty nine steps / Alfred Hitchcock
Gran Bretagna [S.l.] : Michael Balcom ; [S.l.] : Ivor Montagu, 1935
1 videocassetta VHS (81 min.) : son., b.n.

Collocazione: 01687
copertina Film La tigre del ring ; La volta buona ; Madame mistery = Ten o'clock tiger = Forty detectives later = Madame mistery / directed by Bernard Girarddirected by Arthur Hillerdirected by John Brahm ; teleplay by William Fay ; director of photography Neal Beckner ; teleplay by Henry Slesar from his story ; director of photography John F. Warren ; teleplay by Jay Folb ; based on a story by Jeff Heller ; director of photography John F. Warren
US : Shamley Productions, 1962-1960-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09385 DVD 2734
copertina Film Topaz / Alfred Hitchcock ; sceneggiatura Samuel Taylor ; fotografia Jack Hildyard ; musica Maurice Jarre
USA : Universal International : Universal, 1969
1 videocassetta VHS (126 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 03613 DVD 170
copertina Film I trentanove scalini = The thirty nine steps / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Charles Bennet ; photography Bernard Knowles ; musica Louis Levy
Gran Bretagna : Gaumont British Picture Corporation, 1935
1 DVD (86 min.) : b/n, son.

Collocazione: 14651 DVD 8191
copertina Film Gli uccelli = The birds / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Evan Hunter ; director of photography Robert Burks
USA : Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions, 1963
1 videocassetta VHS (115 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 03903 DVD 437
copertina Film L'uomo che sapeva troppo = The man who knew too much / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by John Michael Hayes ; director of photography Robert Burks ; music scored by Bernard Herrmann
USA [S.l.] : Hitchcock Filmwhite ; [S.l.] : Paramount : Paramount, 1956
1 videocassetta VHS (120 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 01019 DVD 326
copertina Film L'uomo che sapeva troppo = The man who knew too much / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by John Michael Hayes ; director of photography Robert Burks ; music scored by Bernard Herrmann
Gran Bretagna [S.l.] : Gaumont British picture corp., 1934
1 videocassetta VHS (80 min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 03407
copertina Film Un uomo d'affari ; Il metodo Blessington ; Un gruppo di amici = The right price = The Blessington method = A jury of her peers / directed by Arthur Hillerdirected by Herschel Daughertydirected by Robert Florey ; teleplay by Bernard C. Schoenfeld ; based on a story by Henry Slesar ; director of photography Lionel Lindon ; teleplay by Halsted Welles ; based on a story by Stanley Ellin ; director of photography John F. Warren ; teleplay by James P. Cavanagh ; based on a play by Susan Glaspell ; director of photography Dale Deverman
US : Shamley Productions, 1959-1959-1961
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09386 DVD 2735
copertina Film La vendetta ; Fiume amaro ; Gli angeli custodi = Revenge = On occurrence at owl creek bridge = The little man who was there / directed by Alfred Hitchcockdirected by Robert Stevenson ; teleplay by Francis Cockrell ; based on a story by Samule Blas ; director of photography John L. Russell ; teleplay by Harold Swanton ; based ona story by Ambrose Bierce ; director of photography John L. Warren ; directed by George Stevens, jr. ; written by Gordon Russell and Larry Ward ; director of photography John F. Warren
US : Shamley Productions, 1955-1959-1960
1 DVD (24, 25, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09372 DVD 2721
copertina Film Vent'anni dopo ; L'uomo del sud ; Un colpo di fortuna = Coming home = Man from the south = One grave too many / directed by Alf Kjellindirected by Norman Lloyd ; teleplay Henry Slesar ; director of photography Neal Beckner ; teleplay by William Fay ; director of photography Lionel Lindon ; directed by Arthur Hiller ; teleplay by Eli Jerome ; director of photography John L. Russell
US : Shamley Productions, 1961-1960-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 07964
copertina Film Vienna di Strauss = Walzer from Vienna / Alfred Hitchcock
Gran Bretagna [S.l.] : Tom Arnold, 1933
2 videocassette U-matic (77 min.) : son., b.n.

Collocazione: 02534
copertina Film Vinci per me! = The ring / written and directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; photography John J. Cox
Gran Bretagna : British International Pictures, 1927
1 DVD (64 min.) : b.n., muto

Collocazione: 10828 DVD 4438

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