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***DEBUG di Sistema debug_var()*** NAAUAF00029397

Trovati 8 record con la chiave di ricerca NAAUAF00029397

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  C Tipo Titolo Anno
copertina Film Come servire un agnello ; Il bacio d'addio ; Treno delle 17.48 = Lamb to the slaughter = The kiss-off = The five-forty-eight / directed by Alfred Hitchcockdirected by Alan Crosland Jr.directed by John Brahm ; teleplay by Roald Dahl ; based on a story by Roald Dahl ; director of photography John L. Russell ; teleplay by Talmage Powell ; based on a story by John P. Foran ; director of photography John L. Russell ; teleplay by Charlotte Armstrong ; based on the story by John Cheever ; director of photography Neal Beckner
US : Shamley Productions, 1958-1961-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09402 DVD 2753
copertina Film Delitto perfetto ; Gratitudine ; Oltre la soglia = The perfect crime = Gratitude = Across the threshold / directed by Alfred Hitchcockdirected by Alan Crosland Jr.directed by Arthur Hiller ; teleplay by Stirling Silliphant ; based on a story by Ben Ray Redman ; director of photography John L. Russell ; teleplay by William Fay ; based on a story by Donn Byrne ; director of photography Neal Beckner ; teleplay by Charlotte Armstrong ; based on the story by L.B. Gordon ; director of photography Neal Beckner
US : Shamley Productions, 1957-1961-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09368 DVD 2717
copertina Film Fuga da Sonoita ; Ancora un miglio ; La cappelliera = Escape to Sonoita = One more mile to go = The hatbox / directed by Stuart Rosenbergdirected by Alfred Hitchcockdirected by Alan Crosland jr. ; teleplay by James A. Howard and Bill S. Ballinger ; based on a story by James A. Howard ; director of photography Neal Beckner ; teleplay by James P. Cavanagh ; based on a story by F.J. Smith ; director of photography John L. Russell ; director of photography Neal Beckner
US : Shamley Productions, 1960-1957-1961
1 DVD (26, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09370 DVD 2719
copertina Film Il giorno del destino ; Autostop ; Il plagio = The day of the bullet = Hitch hike = Mother, may i go out to swim? / directed by Norman Lloyddirected by Paul Henreiddirected by Herschel Daugherty ; teleplay by Bill S. Ballinger ; based on a story by Stanley Ellin ; director of photography Neal Beckner ; written by Bernard C. Schoenfeld ; based on a story by Ed Lacy ; director of photography Lionel Lindon ; teleplay by James P. Cavanagh ; based on the story by Q. Patrick ; director of photography John F. Warren
US : Shamley Productions, 1960-1960-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 23 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09390 DVD 2739
copertina Film Organizzazione perfetta ; Buon anniversario ; Una proposta vantaggiosa = The twelve hour caper = Anniversary gift = First class honeymoon / directed by John Newlanddirected by Norman Lloyddirected by Don Weis ; teleplay by Harold Swanton ; based on a story by Mike Marmer ; director of photography Dale Deverman ; teleplay by Harold Swanton ; based on a story by John Collier ; director of photography John L. Russell ; teleplay by Henry Slesar from his story ; director of photography Neal Beckner
US : Shamley Productions, 1962-1959-1961
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09388 DVD 2737
copertina Film La spia ; Arthur ; Per un po' di compagnia = I spy = Arthur = Keep me company / directed by Norman Lloyddirected by Alfred Hitchcock ; written by John Collier ; based on the story by John Mortimer ; director of photography Peter Hennessey ; teleplay by James P. Cavanagh ; based on the story by Arthur Williams ; director of photography John L. Russell ; directed by Alan Crosland jr. ; teleplay by Henry Slesar ; director of photography Neal Beckner
US : Shamley Productions, 1961-1959-1961
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09403 DVD 2754
copertina Film La tigre del ring ; La volta buona ; Madame mistery = Ten o'clock tiger = Forty detectives later = Madame mistery / directed by Bernard Girarddirected by Arthur Hillerdirected by John Brahm ; teleplay by William Fay ; director of photography Neal Beckner ; teleplay by Henry Slesar from his story ; director of photography John F. Warren ; teleplay by Jay Folb ; based on a story by Jeff Heller ; director of photography John F. Warren
US : Shamley Productions, 1962-1960-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09385 DVD 2734
copertina Film Vent'anni dopo ; L'uomo del sud ; Un colpo di fortuna = Coming home = Man from the south = One grave too many / directed by Alf Kjellindirected by Norman Lloyd ; teleplay Henry Slesar ; director of photography Neal Beckner ; teleplay by William Fay ; director of photography Lionel Lindon ; directed by Arthur Hiller ; teleplay by Eli Jerome ; director of photography John L. Russell
US : Shamley Productions, 1961-1960-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 07964

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