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Trovati 6 record con la chiave di ricerca NAAUAF005916

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  C Tipo Titolo Anno
copertina Film Accadde una notte = It happened one night / directed by Frank Capra ; screenplay by Robert Riskyn ; photography by Joseph Walker
USA : Columbia Pictures, 1934
1 videocassetta VHS (90 min.) : b/n, son.

Collocazione: 1340 DVD 221
copertina Film Desiderio di re = The king steps out / directed by Josef von Sternberg ; screen play by Sidney Buchman ; story Gustav Holm, Ernst Decsey, Hubert Marischa, Ernst Marischa ; music composed by Fritz Kreisler ; photography Lucien Ballard
USA : Columbia Pictures Corporation, 1936
1 videocassetta VHS (85 min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 03196 DVD 5154
copertina Film Nulla sul serio = Nothing sacred / directed by William A. Wellman ; original music by Oscar Levant ; screen play by Ben Hecht ; suggested by James H. Street
USA : Selznick International Pictures, c1937
1 videocassetta VHS (75 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 04856 DVD 4824
copertina Film Nulla sul serio = Nothing sacred / regia William A. Wellman ; sceneggiatura Ben Hecht ; musica Oscar Levant ; fotografia W. Howard Greene
US : Selznick International Pictures, 1937
1 DVD-Video (75 min.) : color., sonoro ; 12 cm

Collocazione: 15564 DVD 8768
copertina Film Twentieth century / directed by Howard Hawks ; written by Ben Hecht, ; photography Joseph August ; music by Mischa Bakaleinikoff ; Charles MacArthur [soggetto]
USA [S.l.] : Howard Hawks, 1934
2 videocassette U-matic (90 min.) : son., b.n.

Collocazione: 02652 DVD 457
copertina Film XX secolo = Twentieth Century / directed by Howard Hawks ; screenplay by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur ; director of photography Joseph August
USA : Howard Hawks, 1935
1 DVD (91 min.) : b/n, son.

Collocazione: 14475 DVD 8025

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