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  C Tipo Titolo Anno
copertina Film L'avventuriero di Macao = Macao / Josef von Sternberg ; screen play by Bernard C. Schoenfeld, Stanley Rubin ; director of photography Harry J. Wild ; music by Anthony Collins
USA [S.l.] : RKO, 1952
1 videocassetta VHS (85 min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 02387 DVD 249
copertina Film Crollo nervoso ; A proprie spese ; Specialità della casa = Breakdown = Special delivery = Specialty of the house / directed by Alfred Hitchcockdirected by Norman Lloyddirected by Robert Stevens ; teleplay by Francis Cockrell and Louis Pollock ; based on a story by Louis Pollock ; director of photography John L. Russell ; written by Ray Bradbury ; based on a story by Roald Dahl ; director of photography Lionel Lindon ; teleplay by Victor Wolfson and Bernard C. Schoenfeld ; based on the story by Stanley Ellin ; director of photography John L. Russell
US : Shamley Productions, 1955-1959-1959
1 DVD (25, 24, 23 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09374 DVD 2723
copertina Film La donna fantasma = Phantom lady / Robert Siodmak ; screnplay by Bernard C. Schoenfeld ; photography Woody Bredell
USA : Universal Pictures, 1944
1 DVD (84 min.) : b/n, son.

Collocazione: 14778 DVD 8318
copertina Film Il giorno del destino ; Autostop ; Il plagio = The day of the bullet = Hitch hike = Mother, may i go out to swim? / directed by Norman Lloyddirected by Paul Henreiddirected by Herschel Daugherty ; teleplay by Bill S. Ballinger ; based on a story by Stanley Ellin ; director of photography Neal Beckner ; written by Bernard C. Schoenfeld ; based on a story by Ed Lacy ; director of photography Lionel Lindon ; teleplay by James P. Cavanagh ; based on the story by Q. Patrick ; director of photography John F. Warren
US : Shamley Productions, 1960-1960-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 23 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09390 DVD 2739
copertina Film Prima colpa = Caged / directed by John Cromwell ; written by Virginia Kellogg and Bernard C. Schoenfeld ; director of photography Carl Guthrie ; music by Max Steiner
USA : Warner Bros., 1950
1 DVD (96 min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 11207 DVD 4887
copertina Film Un sabato di pioggia ; Icona di Elia ; La vendetta = Wet saturday = The ikon of Elijah = Out There - Darkness / directed by Alfred Hitchcockdirected by Paul Almond ; teleplay by Marian Cockrell ; based on a story by John Collier ; director of photography John L. Russell ; teleplay by Victor Wolfson and Norah Perez ; based on a story by Avram Davidson ; director of photography John F. Warren ; directed by Paul Henreid ; teleplay by Bernard C. Schoenfeld ; based on a story by William O'Farrell ; director of photography Ernest Haller
US : Shamley Productions, 1956-1960-1959
1 DVD (24, 25, 25 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09378 DVD 2727
copertina Film There's always tomorrow / directed by Douglas Sirk ; screen play by Bernard C. Schoenfeld ; director of photography Russell Metty ; music by Herman Stein, Heinz Roemheld
USA : Universal Pictures Company, 1955
1 videocassetta VHS ( min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 07505
copertina Film Un uomo d'affari ; Il metodo Blessington ; Un gruppo di amici = The right price = The Blessington method = A jury of her peers / directed by Arthur Hillerdirected by Herschel Daughertydirected by Robert Florey ; teleplay by Bernard C. Schoenfeld ; based on a story by Henry Slesar ; director of photography Lionel Lindon ; teleplay by Halsted Welles ; based on a story by Stanley Ellin ; director of photography John F. Warren ; teleplay by James P. Cavanagh ; based on a play by Susan Glaspell ; director of photography Dale Deverman
US : Shamley Productions, 1959-1959-1961
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09386 DVD 2735

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