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Trovati 25 record con la chiave di ricerca NAAUAF012295

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  C Tipo Titolo Anno
copertina Film Un'agenda che vale un tesoro = Filofax / Arthur Hiller ; scritto da Jill Mazursky, ; direttore della fotografia David Walsh ; musiche Stewart Copeland ; Jeffrey Abrams [soggetto]
USA , 1990
1 videocassetta VHS (120 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 05103
copertina Film Le ali della notte = Nightwing / Arthur Hiller
USA [S.l.] : Martin Ransohoff, 1979
1 videocassetta VHS (105 min.) : son., col.

Collocazione: 02962
copertina Film Appartamento al Plaza = Plaza suite / Arthur Hiller
USA [S.l.] : Howard Hock, 1971
1 videocassetta VHS (110 min.) : son., col.

Collocazione: 03015
copertina Film Commedia romantica = Romantic comedy / Arthur Hiller ; fotografia di David M. Walsh ; musica di Marvin Hamlisch
USA , 1983
1 videocassetta VHS (105 min.) : colr., son.

Collocazione: 04662
copertina Film Delitto perfetto ; Gratitudine ; Oltre la soglia = The perfect crime = Gratitude = Across the threshold / directed by Alfred Hitchcockdirected by Alan Crosland Jr.directed by Arthur Hiller ; teleplay by Stirling Silliphant ; based on a story by Ben Ray Redman ; director of photography John L. Russell ; teleplay by William Fay ; based on a story by Donn Byrne ; director of photography Neal Beckner ; teleplay by Charlotte Armstrong ; based on the story by L.B. Gordon ; director of photography Neal Beckner
US : Shamley Productions, 1957-1961-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09368 DVD 2717
copertina Film Eccesso di velocità ; Angelo triste ; Compagno di scuola = The crooked road = The baby-blue expression = Most likely to succeed / directed by Paul Henreiddirected by Arthur Hillerdirected by Richard Whorf ; teleplay by William Fay ; based on a story by Alex Gaby ; director of photography John L. Russell ; written by Helen Nielsen ; based on a story by Mary Stolz ; director of photography John F. Warren ; teleplay by Henry Slesar from his story ; director of photography John L. Russell
US : Shamley Productions, 1958-1960-1962
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09382 DVD 2731
copertina Film Una fortuna sfacciata = Outrageous fortune / Arthur Hiller ; scritto da Leslie Dixon ; direttore della fotografia David M. Walsh ; musica Alan Silvestri
USA [S.l.] : Touchstone, 1987
1 videocassetta VHS (99 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 06590
copertina Film Furto a fin di bene ; Un tipo tranquillo ; La coscienza = Very moral theft = Not the running type = A night with the boys / directed by Norman Lloyddirected by Arthur Hillerdirected by John Brahm ; teleplay by Allan Gordon ; based on a story by Jack Dillon ; director of photography John F. Warren ; teleplay by Jerry Sohl ; based on a story by Henry Slesar ; director of photography John F. Warren ; teleplay by Jay Folb ; based on a story by Jeff Heller ; director of photography John F. Warren
US : Shamley Productions, 1960-1960-1959
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09381 DVD 2730
copertina Film Love story / Arthur Hiller ; sceneggiatura di Erich Segal ; direttore della fotografia Dick Kratina ; musica di Francis Lai
USA [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 1970
1 videocassetta VHS (99 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 06597
copertina Film Love story / directed by Arthur Hiller ; written by Erich Segal ; music Francis Lai ; director of photography Dick Kratina
USA : Paramount Pictures, 1970
1 DVD (96 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 08521 DVD 1821
copertina Film Non guardarmi = See no evil, hear non evil : non ti sento / Arthur Hiller ; story by Earl Barret, ; director of photography Victor J. Kemper ; music by Stewart Copeland ; Arne Sultan, [soggetto] ; Marvin Worth, [soggetto] ; screenplay by Earl Barret, ; Arne Sultan, [soggetto] ; Eliot Wald, [soggetto] ; Andrew Kurtzman, [soggetto] ; Gene Wilder [soggetto]
USA [S.l.] : Marvin Worth : Tristar, 1989
1 videocassetta VHS (103 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 06910
copertina Film Non guardarmi = See no evil, hear non evil : non ti sento / directed by Arthur Hiller ; story by Earl Barret, Arne Sultan, Marvin Worth ; screenplay by Earl Barret, Arne Sultan, Eliot Wald, Andrew Kurtzman, Gene Wilder ; director of photography Victor J. Kemper ; music by Stewart Copeland
USA : TriStar Pictures, 1989
1 DVD (98 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 12055 DVD 5813
copertina Film Penelope la magnifica ladra = Penelope / Arthur Hiller
USA [S.l.] : Enterge, 1966
1 videocassetta VHS (100 min.) : son., col.

Collocazione: 02697
copertina Film Il piacere dell'onestà ; Il metodo Schartz ; Regressione = The man who found the money = The Schartz-Metterklume method = Backwards, turn backwards / directed by Alan Crosland jr.directed by Richard Dunlap ; teleplay by Allan Gordon ; based on a story by James E. Cronin ; director of photography John L. Russell ; teleplay by Marian Cockrell ; based on a story by Saki ; director of photography John F. Warren ; directed by Stuart Rosenberg ; teleplay by Charles Beaumont ; based upon a story by Dorothy Salisbury Davis ; director of photography John F. Warren
US : Shamley Productions, 1960-1960-1960
1 DVD (24, 24, 24 min.) : b.n., son. + 1 libro

Collocazione: 09384 DVD 2733
copertina Film Plaza suite / Arthur Hiller
USA [S.l.] : Hock, 1971
1 videocassetta VHS (110 min.) : son., col.

Collocazione: 00658

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